How to convert adult hair to Children for The Sims 4 (Video Tutorial)

I received a request to teach  to convert adult  hair to children for The Sims 4, and is finally ready.
This Video is in Portuguesebut is subtitled in English.
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Thanks! =)


  1. muito obrigado.....i know to converted from men to women, but this is what im looking for..atenciosamente:-)))

  2. hallo Kiara, thank you again for this tut ( i wrote the comment above) said in the video we can ask you is my question: can you explain blender a little bit more for making hairstyles?...there is no other tutorial except yours...:-)))
    thank you very much...
    lg Birgid

    1. Doing hair is difficult and takes a long time, to start is easier to edit an existing hair from the game or convert one from other game :

  3. yes i know, i do convert from woman to man...and now - i lern it from you - convert from adult to child (EA-hair) but i miss a good tutorial...:-)))
    thanks for your quick answer
    best wishes Birgid

  4. Muito obrigada! Mais um óptimo tutorial, mesmo para quem tem pouca experiência com o Blender. Parabéns pelo site, que está muito bom. :)

  5. Oi, bom eu queria saber se funciona para cabelos alpha tambem pois eu queria converter um para uma sim minha é a mesma coisa ou é diferente ?


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